5 systems to boost your time management in the classroom

Are you struggling with your management of time in the classroom? Maybe you find yourself spending too much time on a single task. Or perhaps you are repeating the same task over and over again. 

We, as teachers have so much to accomplish in a single day. We spend hours doing multiple tasks. And quite honestly, some of these tasks are boring and are not what you envisioned for yourself when you signed on to this job. 

Does this sound familiar?

What if I told you that there is a way you could eliminate the time spent on some of these tasks? You could be free to spend more time on the things you enjoy doing, such as planning creative lessons, or decorating your room, or designing a game you know your students would love. 

How do you do this?

You can start taking back time in your classroom. 

You can do this by creating teacher systems. 


Today I will be sharing with you what systems are and 5 different types of systems you can implement in your classroom. Be sure to get your FREE workbook “The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Teaching Tasks”, where I discuss strategies to simplify your job so you have more time on being an engaging and creative teacher for your students. 

What is a system?

A system is when you take a task that is done often,  and create a formula or framework so that the task can be done more quickly and easily when it is repeated. 

Systems are used in the business world to automate tasks so that they can be repeated over and over again. 

We already use systems in our everyday life. For example, apps that set your daily alarm automatically for you, rather than having to set an alarm each night. 

Or opening an automatic payment system, instead of having to pay your bills manually each month. It may take some extra time to set up the first time. But once it is done, you don’t have to think about it again!

You can download a free workbook, where I go into detail about what systems are by clicking here!

What does a teacher system look like?

Teacher systems, unlike business systems, are not a hot topic in education, as we are not dealing with numbers, or money or statistics. We are dealing with children. 

But it should be a hot topic! Because it can be done!

What if we could automate many of the tasks we do everyday to improve our time management in the classroom?


There are many tasks we do repeatedly each day, week, month and term. Here are some examples:

1. Lesson planning

2. Grading

3. Progress Monitoring

4. Making or choosing resources (morning slides, Youtube videos to show, etc…) 

5. Morning routines (your own routines and your students’)

I give a more complete list in my free workbook, “The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Teaching Tasks”. Get it now!

Why should you create a teacher system as a way to improve your time management in the classroom?

Small changes, such as setting an alarm, may only save you ten 10 seconds. However, imagine how much time you would save if you could automate all of these tasks collectively!

This is time that you could have been used better, such as time spent with your students. Or time spent planning a really creative lesson rather than the ones you are rushing to get done. Or even time spent away from the classroom and relaxing because you feel burnt out. 

All of these are reasons enough to start creating systems for the tasks you do in your classroom. 


I discuss all of these reasons in my free workbook, “The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Teaching Tasks. Download it now by clicking here!

Check out a recent blog post, where I discuss saving time by creating a bank of activities I reuse throughout the year. You can find it here!

Your first step towards better time management in the classroom with systems…

Are you interested in making a system for one, two or maybe all of these processes in the classroom? 

You can start today by monitoring what you do when you are completing these tasks.

  1. Start by choosing one area of your job you would like to create a system for.
  2. Make a list of everything you do to complete that task. I mean everything!
  3. Are there tasks that you repeat that you could create a framework or template?

You can check out what some of my systems look like by checking out a recent blog post of mine by clicking here!

Also, be sure to see one resource I use in my classroom that is 32 weeks of planning already done for me! Find it here!

PS-Don’t forget to download your free gift before you go. Get it here!

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