I can’t say it enough. I love podcasts! Not only do I love listening to podcasts, but I am a huge believer in incorporating podcast listening into the classroom. Today I’m sharing 5 benefits of using podcasts teachers need to know about.
Do you already use podcasts with your students? Or are you new to this idea? Comment down below!

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Check out my podcast response sheets by clicking here!
Let’s jump right into the 5 benefits of incorporating podcast listening into your teaching!
#1 Benefit of Using Podcasts Teachers Need to Know About- Endless Amount of Topics
Are you doing a topic on ocean life? There’s a podcast for that. Want your students to compare recycling to composting? There’s a podcast for that! Do you students need to research the Great Depression. Guess what? You guessed it…There’s a podcast for that!
I could go on and on but the bottom line is… You can find a podcast series or single episode on any topic. Podcasts have become the hottest trend in portable entertainment. Because of this, people are creating podcasts on all kinds of topics. I honestly have yet to find a topic that I couldn’t find at least one podcast episode on.

Click here to check out my podcast response sheets.
What I will do when I am trying to find a podcast series or episode that is relevant to my students’ learning is:
- First I make sure I am subscribed to as many child-appropriate podcast series as possible on the podcast app I am using (I will often use the Apple Podcast app)
- Then, I will make a list of keywords that relate to the topic I am teaching
- Search each one in the search bar of the podcast app I am using
- I will click on “Your Library” so I can see if the podcasts I already subscribe to have an episode that is relevant and appropriate for my students
- If not, then I will click “All podcasts” to see if I can find another series
*Teacher Tip* Make sure you listen to the podcast episode before you let students listen to it to make sure it is relevant to the learning and that it’s appropriate.
Click here to learn more about my Podcast in the Classroom Bundle!
#2 Podcasts Get Students to Focus on Listening
What I love about podcasts is that they get students to lose the distractions and focus on listening. I use my podcast response sheets throughout the year to evaluate students’ listening skills.
When students are listening to podcasts, they are solely listening to a person or people speak; there’s nothing to watch. I will often have discussions with students afterwards about the tone of voice. This leads to a great discussion about how we can use the tone of voice to get a better sense of someone’s mood.

Teacher tip: A lot of children’s podcasts are available on YouTube with a video that has a solid image and the sound of the speakers’ voices. . If students are listening to a podcast through youtube, I have them put the video on full screen. This way, they aren’t distracted by the recommended videos on the right-hand side of the comments.
Click here to check out my Podcast in the Classroom Bundle!
#3- Benefit of Using Podcasts Teachers Need to Know About- They Provide Student Choice
I try to incorporate student choice in my classroom as much as possible. Check out my recent blog post about student choice by clicking here! A way to use podcasts is to allow students to choose their own episode to listen to.
Some of my favourite podcast shows for elementary students include:
- SMASH BOOM BEST- A show where two adults debate two topics and a child decides the winner
- Brains On!- A science podcast for kids
- The Past and the Curious- A history podcast for kids and Families
- The Story Seed Podcast- A show where a child partners up with a real author to write a story together.
I find I get to know students better when I learn about what podcast topics they choose to listen to. You’d be surprised by the excitement students get from talking about the episode they listened to!
I have created a podcasting bundle in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Click here to check it out!
#4 A great way to research!
Project-based learning is a huge part of my teaching philosophy. Since projects are such a big part of my classroom culture, my students are used to doing a lot of research.
I find podcasts are a great way for students to research a topic. Last year my students did a project on The Great Depression. We were able to find podcast episodes that were about this topic and even included first-hand accounts from people who lived during that time.

I have a list of over 20 podcast shows that my students have enjoyed in the past. It is included in my podcast bundle. Click here to check it out!
Want to learn more about using podcasts in a world language class? Click here here to check out the Learning Llama’s blog post!
#5- Quiet time for early finishers or when you need to work with a small group of students
I will use podcasts in my classroom when I need some or all of my students to be working quietly. This could mean students listening to a podcast episode when they have completed their work while other students need to be focused.
Another time podcasts are helpful is when I need to work with a group of students. For example, if I am going over some misconceptions with students from a previous lesson or need to reteach something to a few students. Having the rest of the class listening to podcasts minimizes the noise level in the room.
Final Thoughts…
Convinced podcasts are a great resource to include in your teaching? Comment down below with “I’m sold!”.
Do you agree with these 5 benefits of using podcasts teachers need to know about? Let me know in the comments down below!
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