How to Start Project-Based Learning-My #1 Tip for Teachers


Are you one of those teachers who has or wants to dip their toes in the project-based learning pond? Perhaps the current method you are using just isn’t working for you. You know you want to try project-based learning, but you want to make sure you start it on the right foot.  I completely understand! … Read more

The Top 3 Hurdles Facing Teachers Teaching Students Soft Skills


Do you have students who do well academically, however, struggle with certain “people” skills? These students may have decent scores on their tests, however, they require lengthy report card comments because they struggle to think critically or show problem-solving skills. These skills are what we call “soft skills”. The importance of teachers teaching students these … Read more

December Holiday Celebrations Around the World For Students to Explore


Are you looking to bring more cultural diversity to your students’ learning this December? If so, you may be wondering, what are some different December holiday celebrations around the world for students to explore. Keep reading for different holiday celebrations that take place around the world. Please note that list is not a comprehensive list. … Read more

5 Awesome December Project Ideas for Upper Elementary Students


Looking for a fun, creative December project for your students? December can be a stressful time for both teachers and students. This month is often a time for “filler activities” that can keep students busy until they go on the long-awaited holiday break. But December doesn’t have to be awash! Check out these 5 December … Read more

4 Business Project Ideas for School-How to Teach Career Skills Through PBL


Ask any adult, and I would bet money that they would tell you they did not learn enough career skills when they were in school. As teachers, we should be teaching students skills that they will use when they are older. I’m sharing 5 business project ideas for school that will teach students entrepreneurship, life … Read more

How to Use Picture Books in the Classroom-No Matter the Grade!


What is it about teachers and reading? Are we hard-wired to love read-alouds? Is it just me, or is there no better feeling than sitting on a comfy chair and reading a picture book to students? While this seems to be a common trait among teachers, many of us don’t utilize picture books enough. We … Read more